The Well
Our Women’s Only Facility
Faith-based Organization Established in 2023
Contact The Well Today!
Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Visit: www.thewellnrv.org
The Well provides substance abuse treatment services designed to stop the destructive lifestyle of substance abuse while in a safe a therapeutically conducive environment. This location is for women only, while our Eagles Nest program is for men. Our Goal is to educate, motivate, and assist our female clients to develop healthy, permanent, and recovery-centered lifestyle changes.
There are several main components to a successful regeneration process. We believe that God is the key to making changes in the lives of women. We are simply assisting with the process. We offer Biblical instruction, counseling, and small groups.
After that, they will go through occupational training to learn practical skills that can be used after graduation. This program helps launch you into your new, healthy future.
Call today and learn how we can help you in your recovery at The Well.